Bank of America Donates Gloves and Sanitizer

Bank of America has been an amazing partner to us, keeping us supplied with PPE and other supplies during the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond. Their most recent donation, which we received in mid-June, included 26,000 gloves and 50 cases of sanitizer. These supplies will be used to keep our home health aides and the people they care for safe from germs and infections.

Home health aides care for homebound adults, who are one of the most vulnerable populations in our society. Our certified home health aides help those in their care with bathing, dressing, light housekeeping, grocery shopping, getting to and from medical appointments, and other errands.

More information about our Home Care services can be found here.

If you would like to make a difference in the life of someone who is homebound, please consider our Home Health Aide Training Program. More information about this free training can be found here.