VirtualCome in and join us to start the day in high spirits!You will keep high spirits all day. This class is presented to you by Marta Lopez. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8839292828Meeting […]
Come in and join us to start the day in high spirits!You will keep high spirits all day. This class is presented to you by Marta Lopez. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8839292828Meeting […]
Keep on Track.
Lunch in the Older Adult Center is always served with low-fat milk, bread, and a piece of whole fruit.
Una clase para la salud mental y para dar consejos de como mantener la calma.
Clase de computadora. This is a bilingual class. Instructor: Ivan Salvador.
Come in and join us to start the day in high spirits!You will keep high spirits all day. This class is presented to you by Marta Lopez. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8839292828Meeting […]
Join Shape Up NYC instructor Zarina Noor for this exercise class.
This class is led by Carol.
With Carol.
Lunch in the Older Adult Center is always served with low-fat milk, bread, and a piece of whole fruit.
It’s time for BINGO at the Older Adult Center. Can you win this game of chance?
This class is led by Ivan
Sign up for singing order begins at 1PM. Have your song of choice ready.El registro para el orden de canto comienza a la 1 PM. Tenga lista la canción de […]
Join Shape Up NYC instructor Zarina Noor for this exercise class.
Gyrokinesis works the entire body, strengthening and stretching through rhythmic, flowing and circular movements.
Gently awaken your body for the day with instructor James Park. In person only.
Lunch in the Older Adult Center is always served with low-fat milk, bread, and a piece of whole fruit.
Ines will lead the class in creating works of art. Youth participants will join us for this intergenerational course. We will also discuss art pieces from the Metropolitan Museum.
Join Shape Up NYC instructor Zarina Noor for this exercise class.